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Game Break #3: After Hours – Isaiah, Saxgotem


Ever wondered what happens at BBA “after hours” when the filming is finished? Well, this newest entry in our “Forbidden Fantasy” series imagines one wicked possibility.

Isaiah and Saxgotem return to the house after seeing “Spider-Man: No Way Home” with the rest of the guys. They talk excitedly about the movie and Saxgotem shows off his new Playstation 5. Isaiah eventually falls asleep while watching Sax play Grand Theft Auto. (Lots of product placements in this scene, I know lol).

Isaiah’s infamous bubble-butt stretching against his sweatpants proves to be too strong a temptation for Sax, and he can’t help but reach out and cop a quick feel. But when it comes to an ass as glorious as Isaiah’s, there’s no such thing as only one touch.

Next thing he knows, Sax is grabbing, squeezing, and groping that athletic ass, no doubt imagining just how AMAZING its forbidden insides must feel. He even buries his face deep in the sleeping straight boy’s hairy butt to inhale its intoxicating scent.

But things REALLY start to get interesting when Isaiah wakes up….or does he?

Maybe it’s just Sax’s own fantasies taking over as he dreams about this straight former star basketball player being his to do with whatever he wants for the rest of the night….

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