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Draining Serious Beefcake Sterling (BCH)


Profession(s): Barista: 29 | 6’1 | 180 | 8.5″ This Draining serious Beefcake Sterling video took me a few months of persuasion to this sexy hung tanned barista straight guy. But once in the BCH arena, it also took me a while to make him feel more comfortable, even after he agreed to do this video. But sometimes, it is like that here at BeefCakeHunter Land. I just hope that you Hunters ignore that seriousness and instead enjoy seeing how that big cock is enjoyed 😉 Realizing that perhaps it was best to cut the talk to a minimum, I didn’t hesitate to get down on my knees and start undressing this sexy white boy. Once I had him completely naked, I started licking his balls, which would be much more delicious if he hadn’t shaved his pubic hair. Anyways, it wasn’t long until I got him hard! In those first moments that I started Draining serious Beefcake Sterling, I caught a few glances from him. That excited me, and I thought I might steal his attention away from the pussy porn he was watching. But that was it; most of the time, he kept his eyes off what I was doing to his beautiful cock, but never mind, all I needed to enjoy was getting that cock rock hard, just like we like them here at BCH, and that is what we got! Surprisingly he started face fucking me more than halfway into the encounter, something totally unexpected from him, but it was good. Then the pussy porn playing ended, so I had to stop, and press play again; I guess that gave us extra minutes of enjoying Sterling’s big cock 🙂 Close to the end, I dedicated more passion to his cock head, something that he enjoys, and in that way, I made him cum, then tortured him a little bit. I hope you guys enjoy this video Draining serious Beefcake Sterling.

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