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Deontrey’s New Role – Apollo, Deontrey


As an actor, Deontrey has starred in countless web series and played dozens of diverse characters over the years. But he’s never had a role quite like this!

That’s right, our favorite sexy straight actor is finally ready to pick up where he left off with that “other” amateur gay site almost one year ago. But of course this being BBA, he’s agreed to do a lot MORE!

“We’re gonna do it right!” Deontrey promises with a cocky, seductive smirk near the start of this scene. However, he also admits that he’s feeling “all emotions in one” as he tries to mentally prepare himself for his very first FULL-ACTION encounter with another guy.

Enjoy an intimate front-row seat as returning BBA legend Apollo, inspired by his own training at the hands (and mouth, and ass…) of Lil Tyga many years ago, introduces Deontrey to the unique pleasures of guy-on-guy sex. After all, who better to guide a nervous newbie through his initial “gay for pay” exploration than someone who’s already been through the same thing himself?

Viewers hoping for a polished and professional “porn star” right out of the gate would be better off skipping this scene.

But if you’re as turned on as I am by the idea of watching every suspenseful, surprising, sometimes awkward but always AUTHENTIC moment of a real-life straight guy’s first time going “all the way” with another man (well, as a top at least….baby steps), then this will be a dream come true for all of Deontrey’s fans who’ve only been able to IMAGINE him doing all of these things before now.

I tried my best to keep the editing here to a minimum so everyone can fully appreciate Deontrey’s experience as it evolves in close to real time, including lots of fun, unscripted surprises along the way.

For example, there’s a section early-on where it looked like Deontrey’s nerves (and straightness) were starting to get the better of him and I honestly began to worry that the shoot might have to be called off. But veteran pro that he is, Apollo remained patient and calm and eventually figured out a little trick that helped Deontrey “rise” to the occasion. (You’ll just have to check out this scene for yourself to discover what that was).

Witness Deontrey’s entertaining roller-coaster ride of reactions ranging from “deer in the headlights” disbelief to giddy, wide-eyed amazement at just how damn good another man’s tight ass can feel when it’s squeezing his dick!

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